Walkerspace, NYC, 2001

"Frankie's Wedding is like taking a beautiful Sunday drive...The view stretches to the horizon, filling your eyes, ears and mouth with the memory of landscapes past. Lansner is particularly adept at creating movement that speaks volumes of descriptive text."

"Lansner is a fine director. She magically creates dancers out of actors, and vice versa." Diane Vivona, The Dance Insider, online, Mar. 26, 2001.

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"Frankie's Wedding abounded in attractive bits and pieces of words and movements lovingly assembled by Gabrielle Lansner.” Jack Anderson, The New York Times, Sat. Mar. 31, 2001.

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" With a delightful mixture of spoken word, and dance, Lansner combines portions of text from the novel, "The Member of the Wedding", with choreography conceived in collaboration with the cast. With elegance and sincerity, "Frankie's Wedding" strikes an ideal balance of motion and elocution which is believable, captivating and enjoyable." Emily Fishman, The Columbia Spectator, NYC, Mar. 29, 2001.

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